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Math and my creative practice

In 2009, I was one of the first math and science Studio Study Buddies at New Urban Arts.

At first, it was hard to find my place in an art studio. But New Urban Arts helped me to see that the math I’d been doing for fun was actually part of my “life-long creative practice.” In third grade, I invented “Fibbly,” a set of rules that generates short sequences of numbers. Over the years, I’d made drawings and music based on those sequences. The staff here encouraged me to show it in the Fall 2009 mentor exhibition:

Talking with students at New Urban Arts about the project helped me see Fibbly’s potential as a teaching tool. Two years later, I shared it again at an elementary school in Maine. Seeing a classroom full of fourth-graders excited about math was an incredible feeling.

I owe that experience to New Urban Arts. As a former mentor, you know firsthand how special this place is, both for the students and for us adults. This year, I’m making a personal gift to New Urban Arts’ annual campaign and I hope you’ll join me.

Thank you. I’m proud to be part of a community of talented and passionate people (you!) who are working to empower youth and improve our world.