In Providence, like in many other cities in our country, young people—particularly low-income youth and those in communities of color—are systematically denied access to high-quality, creative learning opportunities. This climate, alongside current economic trends, means that organizations like New Urban Arts are under increased pressure to meet students’ learning needs in the arts. Our free, year-round out-of-school youth programs are an innovative response to that need.
Each year, we serve over 1000 high school students and 2,000 visitors to our studio, through youth programs, professional development workshops, artist residencies, public performances, and exhibitions.
2020-2021 Overview
309 students enrolled in our youth programs at 705 Westminster Street and Central High School.
31 students attended 30 or more days over the course of the year.
120 hours of summer programming offered paid internships in the arts for 25 youth.
2020-21 Demographics:
Of the 72 students that enrolled in our studio programs:
- 88% qualified for free or reduced price lunch.
- Students’ race and ethnicity was as follows: 45% Latino, 13% Multiracial, 15% African American, 16% White, 3% Asian American, 1% Native American, and 7% identified as a race or ethnicity not listed.
- 48% of students identified as LGBTQ.
Program Evaluation
The Participation Index is an equation to assess studio usage that takes into account how the number of active students correlates with the frequency of their participation. We begin by tracking student participation daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly. This information is then cross-referenced with student demographics.