On Tuesday, Attorney General Jefferson Sessions announced the end of DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which makes undocumented immigrants who entered the US as minors eligible for work permits and a two-year, renewable deferment from deportation. Approximately 800,000 people currently participate in the program.
New Urban Arts has always accepted students regardless of their immigration or citizenship status. Furthermore, we have never collected information about students’ immigration or citizenship status, and these practices will not change.
For those in our community who will be impacted directly by the cancellation of DACA, as well as allies who want to better understand the implications of this policy change, we are sharing the following list of resources, assembled by our colleagues at College Visions.
“What do I need to know if the DACA program ends?” from the Immigrant Legal Resource Center. (Note: this was written last week before Tuesday’s announcement, but is still full of useful information.)
Know Your Rights Information provided by the American Civil Liberties Union
The Coalition of Advocates for Student Opportunities provides information for undocumented and DACA college students in Rhode Island.
Dream Act action alert created by the National Association for College Admissions Counseling
Finally, a word from Nick Figueroa, Executive Director, College Visions:
“Some people with DACA status are eligible for renewal, but they must act quickly to renew by October 5th. Other Dreamers need legal consultations to see what, if any, paths to citizenship are open to them. I hope you will share this important information with any young people, educators, and youth workers you know.”
We join with College Visions in asking that our community share this information far and wide.