John McGarry

Born (to run) and raised by the salty breeze of the Jersey Shore, John arrived in Providence in 2006 to become a physicist at Brown University. Following entaglements with physics, math, and computer science, he eventually emerged with a piece of paper calling him a philosopher. However, he somewhat jokingly claims his real concentration to be ‘Radio Studies’; he has been involved with Brown Student Radio, a student-community freeform station, since coming to town. At BSR, John has done pretty much everything, from spinning records til 3am and hitting the streets as a reporter, to soldering wires together and managing the station. 

For the past two years, he has worked in classrooms and afterschool programs at Highlander Charter School and vacation camps at ¡CityArts!. There, he’s sung songs and built paper cup castles with kindergardeners, and coded computer programs and hacked together robots with middle schoolers.

John also spends way too much time in the kitchen, bikes around town and on distant trips, sporadically screen prints, and enjoys reading with his cat, Ripley Sigourney Weaver Koyaaniscatsi. As one of NUA’s Studio Study Buddies, John can’t wait to help students with research projects, essays, lab reports, or problem sets! He especially likes history and literature, but algebra and chemistry and everything else math and science are welcome too. Jean parle français aussi. He’d love to make radio happen at NUA—from recording conversations to producing sound collages—and also teach students how use computers code to create art, games, and more!


Years: 2012-13 2013-14