As I was getting ready to write you this letter, I overheard one of our students talking about what New Urban Arts means to her. What touched me most was hearing her say that one day, she’s going to donate to New Urban Arts, so I asked if she would write something I could share with you:
Hi! My name is Yisel and I am a student at New Urban Arts (NUA). NUA means the world to me. It has been an invaluable lifeline that has kept me going even in the darkest of times.
It has provided an outlet for the expression of my own personal experience. It is where I usually am when I need someone to talk my thoughts out with. It is where I am when I want to paint these thoughts out. It is where I am when I think of how I want to impact society to make it a happier and more colorful world with my art work.
NUA has nurtured my creative thought process and has provided room for even more ambitious ideas. It has provided me with all of my favorite idols—strong role models who I look up to for their dedication to their craft and as examples of people who excel in competitive academic environments. All while being people of color, women of color, just like me.
One day, when I’m fully “adulting” as I like to say, I will give back in some way so that I can help brighten some student’s day in the way everyone at New Urban Arts has done for me. I hope that you can find it in your hearts to assist in continuing the magic that takes place here. Thank you for your time, I hope you have a wonderful holiday!
Yisel is one of hundreds of young people who depend on New Urban Arts every day. Your generosity and commitment ensure that this resource is here for them. This fall, we had the busiest start of programs in our history. With increasing student enrollment, we need your help now more than ever.
There’s no time like the present to invest in a young person’s future. And now, thanks to a generous matching grant from a local foundation, any new or increased donation will be matched dollar for dollar! More than ever, your donation means that our doors will stay open for the young people that walk through them every day.
Happy holidays! From all of us at New Urban Arts, thank you.
Daniel Schleifer,
Executive Director
P.S. Please consider becoming a sustaining donor by supporting NUA every month in the amount that’s just right for you.