Maria is a painter and printmaker in Providence, Rhode Island. She polished her drawing steeze in her home town of Cleveland, Ohio until the fateful day when she packed up those pencils, and what some claimed to be a cardigan collection that rivaled Mr. Rogers himself, and drove twelve speed abiding hours to Rhode Island School of Design. Fast forward four years later and Maria exploded out of RISD with her printmaking chops and a back pack full of sleep debt. Now well rested, you can find Maria drawing with a few of those same pencils on her couch, or neck deep in intaglio ink at the AS220 printshop. Maria is a pencil nub specialist at The Met School in Providence, where she teaches portfolio. This is her second year as an artist mentor at New Urban Arts. Maria’s future plans include picking up a second degree in printmaking, and subsequently wearing down her cherished diamond tip etching tool.